東京 2020 オリンピック・パラリンピック競技大会において、宮城県蔵王町と茨城県常陸大宮市がホストタウンとなり、
On April 21st, the Signing Ceremony for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics & Paralympics Training Camp Host Town between Zao Town, Hitachi Omiya City and Palau was held in Tokyo, and Mayor Hideto Murakami of Zao Town, Mayor Shinichiro Mitsugi of Hitachi Omiya City, and President Frank Kyota of the Palau National Olympic Committee signed the Memorandum of Understanding.
Zao Town and Hitachi Omiya City agreed to host Palau’s National Olympic team for training prior to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympics. Zao Town has historical ties with Palau where Japanese nationals who lived in Palau during the Japanese administration moved to a region called Kitaharao in Zao Town after the war.