Category Archives: news

プリスティン・パラダイス環境税の導入について|Implementation of the Pristine Paradise Environmental Fee

201811日よりPristine Paradise Environmental Fee/ PPEF(プリスティン・パラダイス環境税)の徴収($100)が始まります。これに伴い、今までの出国税($20)並びに環境税($30)は廃止されます。新たな環境税は航空券の代金に上乗せする形で徴収されます。このPPEFはパラオ国家海洋保護区法にて制定され、環境保護を目的として開始されます。201712月31日までに航空券を発券し、2018年1月31日までにパラオを出国された場合は今まで通りの出国税並びに環境税(合計$50)のみのお支払いになります。この場合、入国審査の際に201712月31日までに航空券を発券したと証明する書類が必要となります。

Edited: 01/23/18 11:22AM


パラオ・プレッジ(誓約)導入について|Start of Palau Pledge upon Arrival

12月7日(木)よりパラオ入国時の入国スタンプが変更されます。新しい入国スタンプには “Palau Pledge” (パラオ誓約)と同意の署名欄が含まれます。入国時に入国管理官の指示に従って署名欄にサインをしてください。また、”Palau Pledge”プロジェクト開始に伴いパラオ到着機の機内にて”Palau Pledge”についての案内ビデオが上映されます。


“Palau Pledge”は”Palau Legacy Project”の一環として環境保護を目的とした世界で初めて入国時に誓約への同意を求めるものです。英語、日本語、韓国語、中国語を始めとした多言語でスタンプが用意されており、多くの方に誓約をご理解頂けるようになっております。


“Palau Pledge”(パラオ誓約)の日本語文は以下の通りです。























Palau Pledge (English Version):


Children of Palau,

I take this pledge,

as your guest,

to preserve and protect

your beautiful and unique

island home.


I vow to tread lightly,

act kindly and

explore mindfully.


I shall not take

what is not given.


I shall not harm

what does not harm me.


The only footprints

I shall leave are those

that will wash away.

ソラマチひろば Host Town Lineups

明日、11月11日(土)東京スカイツリーに隣接する東京ソラマチ内ソラマチひろばにて「1000 days to Go! In TOKYO SKYTREETOWN 併催展 Host Town Lineups」が開催されます。東京2020オリンピック・パラリンピックに於いてパラオのホストタウンとなった宮城県蔵王町と茨城県常陸大宮市とともに、パラオ政府観光局、パラオオリンピック委員会、そしてパラオ共和国大使館がブースを出展致します。午後1時30分からのホストタウンPRタイムではパラオについてのクイズもあります。また、見事クイズを正解された方には景品もございます!是非、お越しください!


JICA 地球ひろばでパラオ特集 | Palauan Culture Exhibition at JICA Global Plaza



JICA がパラオ一色に染まる一カ月です。ぜひこの機会にパラオのことをより多く知り、パラオをより身近に感じてもらえればと思っております。


From September 4th until September 29th, 2017, JICA Global Plaza will exhibit Palauan culture along with its unique identity and characteristics. The exhibition, which will be held at the 1st floor lobby, displays numerous Palauan traditional handcrafts, such as the Palauan traditional storyboard, as well as various information about Palau’s famous tourism sites. Various Palauan traditional dishes are also available to try at the J’s Café in the 2nd floor. Do not lose the opportunity to taste the delightful dishes of the Palauan, since it is indeed a rare opportunity to find Palauan food in Japan.

Furthermore, there will also be two seminars held at JICA Global Plaza which will be related to the Republic of Palau. The first seminar will be held on Friday, September 22nd, 2017. The topic will be about realizing eco-conscious tourism in Palau along with its process and other related stories and it will be brought to you by Mr. Hideyuki Shiozawa, Senior Program Officer from the Sasakawa Peace Foundation. The second seminar, which will be held on Monday, September 25th, 2017, invites Mr. Takehiro Kurosaki, Deputy Director of The Pacific Islands Center to talk about Japan-Palau relations.

This month at JICA will be dedicated specially for Palau. We would like to warmly invite all of you to the exhibition and learn more about our Pristine Paradise, Palau.

For more information:

大使館移転のお知らせ|Embassy Chancery Relocation



住所: 〒106-0044 東京都港区東麻布2-21-11

TEL: 03-5797-7480

FAX: 03-5797-7483



住所: 〒160-0001 東京都新宿区片町1-1-201

TEL: 03-3354-5500

FAX: 03-3354-5200


The Embassy of the Republic of Palau in Japan will be relocating to the following effective Monday, July 31, 2017. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. The new address is as follows:

New Embassy Chancery Location/Contact Information

Address: 2-21-11 Higashi-Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0044

TEL: (+81) 3-5797-7480

FAX: (+81) 3-5797-7483


Current Embassy Chancery Location/Contact Information

Address: 1-1-201 Katamachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0001

TEL: (+81) 3-3354-5500

FAX: (+81) 3-3354-5200

新国務大臣就任|Faustina K. Rehuher-Marugg Swears in as Minister of State



On June 13th, Mrs. Faustina K. Rehuher-Marugg took her oath of office as the Minister of State. Minister Marugg replaces Former Minister of State Mr. Billy G. Kuartei. Minister Marugg is a Former Minister of Community and Cultural Affairs during Former President Toribiong’s Administration, and put her efforts into registering the Rock Islands Southern Lagoon as an UNESCO World Heritage Site.

For more information and press release issued by the Republic of Palau National Government, please view the following link:




Serial No. PR-17-038




ファウスティナ・K. レウール・マルーグ、国務大臣に就任

6月13日(火)、ファウスティナ・K.レウール・マルーグが国務大臣に就任、宣誓が行われました。トミー・E. レメンゲサウJr. 大統領内閣への最新メンバーです。




マツタロウ大使、地域自治体との交流セミナーに出席 | Ambassador Matsutaro Attends Regional Promotion Seminar

6月5日(月)、外務省及び群馬県、三重県伊勢志摩地域(伊勢市・志摩市・鳥羽市・南伊勢市)、神奈川県横浜市、そして新潟県燕三条地域が合同で「平成29年度第1回 地域の魅力発信セミナー」を開催しました。パラオ大使館より、マツタロウ大使が出席しました。


The 1st Regional Promotion Seminar of the Japanese fiscal year 2017 organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in collaboration with local governments; Gunma Prefecture, Ise-shima area in Mie Prefecture (Ise City, Shima City, Toba City, Minami Ise City), Yokohama City of Kanagawa Prefecture and Tsubame-sanjo area in Niigata Prefecture was held on Monday, June 5th.

Ambassador Francis Matsutaro participated in the seminar and each local government made presentations to promote their local specialties. This seminar brought opportunities between the diplomatic corps in Japan and local governments to build on friendly relations and helped enhance economic relations. Palau has sister-state relations with Mie Prefectural Government.



6月22日(木)18:30~20:00港区立エコプラザ開催、大使館に聞く世界のエコシリーズVol.7 ~世界遺産パラオ 小さな国のユニークな観光開発と自然環境保護~が只今予約受付中です!先着順となりますので、参加ご希望の方はお早めにご予約をすることをお勧めいたします。


第二回パシフィック・デー | 2nd Annual Pacific Day

今月22日、横浜インターナショナルテニスコニュニティー(YITC)と太平洋諸国共同でPacific Day 2017を開催いたしました!

On April 22, the 2nd Annual Pacific Day was held at Yokohama International Tennis Community (YITC), co-hosted by the Embassies of the Pacific Island Countries in Japan. Originally starting as Palau Day in 2015, this was the second year where the Pacific Island Embassies and their guests gathered with members of YITC to enjoy a day of tennis and local dishes of the Pacific. Approximately 150 guests participated. Thank you very much for joining us and we hope to see you next year as well.

蔵王町・常陸大宮市とパラオ、東京2020オリンピック・パラリンピック事前キャンプに向け基本合意締結|Signing Ceremony for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics & Paralympics Training Camp Host Town Between Zao Town, Hitachi Omiya City and Palau

東京 2020 オリンピック・パラリンピック競技大会において、宮城県蔵王町と茨城県常陸大宮市がホストタウンとなり、


On April 21st, the Signing Ceremony for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics & Paralympics Training Camp Host Town between Zao Town, Hitachi Omiya City and Palau was held in Tokyo, and Mayor Hideto Murakami of Zao Town, Mayor Shinichiro Mitsugi of Hitachi Omiya City, and President Frank Kyota of the Palau National Olympic Committee signed the Memorandum of Understanding.

Zao Town and Hitachi Omiya City agreed to host Palau’s National Olympic team for training prior to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympics. Zao Town has historical ties with Palau where Japanese nationals who lived in Palau during the Japanese administration moved to a region called Kitaharao in Zao Town after the war.