日本国政府発令、平成27年秋の叙勲等について| 2015 Autumn Imperial Decorations Announced by the Government of Japan

*English follows Japanese


その中でもパラオ国籍のイサオ・シンゲオ 氏が旭日双光章を受章、また在横浜パラオ共和国名誉総領事の藤木幸太 氏が黄綬褒章を受章しました。

イサオ・ピーター・シンゲオ 氏(男、77歳)はパラオ共和国ペリリュー州ゲルデロルク地区在住、現 ペリリュー州酋長、現 ペリリュー州議会議員。長年にわたり日本・パラオ間の遺骨収集・慰霊分野における関係強化へ寄与してきた功績として受章。



藤木幸太 氏(男、61歳)は神奈川県横浜市在住、現 藤木企業株式会社 代表取締役社長、パラオ共和国名誉総領事。長年にわたり港湾運送業にて業務精励し、寄与してきた功績として受章。



駐日パラオ共和国大使館は、イサオ・シンゲオ 氏と藤木幸太 氏にここに重ねて敬意を表するとともに、祝福に言及し、通報する光栄を有する。



The Government of Japan announced the 2015 Autumn Imperial Decorations on November 3rd, 2015. From the Republic of Palau, Chief Obak’Idelolk Mr. Isao Peter Singeo was awarded The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays, and Honorary Consul-General Mr. Kohta Fujiki was awarded the Medal with Yellow Ribbon.

Mr. Isao Peter Singeo (Age 77) currently resides in Ngerdelolk Hamlet, Peleliu State of the Republic of Palau and is a Traditional Chief (Chief Obak’Idelolk) as well as a Non-Elected Permanent Member of the Peleliu State Legislature. He has been awarded in recognition of all the efforts and distinguished services he has contributed over the years to strengthen the cooperative relation between Japan and Palau in the search for recovery and to commemorate those who lost their lives during World War 2.

For more information, please visit the website of the Embassy of Japan in the Republic of Palau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan through the following link.


Mr. Kohta Fujiki (Age 61) currently resides in Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture of Japan and is President of Fujiki Transportation and Stevedoring Co., Ltd. as well as the Honorary Consul-General of the Republic of Palau. He has been awarded in recognition of all the efforts and distinguished services he has contributed to over the years towards his diligence in the field of transportation and stevedoring. For more information regarding Fujiki Group, please visit http://www.fujikigroup.com.

The Embassy of the Republic of Palau in Japan presents its compliments to Mr. Isao Singeo and Mr. Kohta Fujiki and has the honor to avail itself of this opportunity to renew the assurances of its highest consideration.

For more information regarding the 2015 Autumn Imperial Decorations, or the Decorations and Medals in Japan, please visit the website of the Cabinet Office of the Government of Japan through the following link.
